Mrs. King - School Year 2010-2011

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hacktivity 2018 Badge - Quick Start Guide For Beginners

You either landed on this blog post because 
  • you are a huge fan of Hacktivity
  • you bought this badge around a year ago
  • you are just interested in hacker conference badge hacking. 
or maybe all of the above. Whatever the reasons, this guide should be helpful for those who never had any real-life experience with these little gadgets. 
But first things first, here is a list what you need for hacking the badge:
  • a computer with USB port and macOS, Linux or Windows. You can use other OS as well, but this guide covers these
  • USB mini cable to connect the badge to the computer
  • the Hacktivity badge from 2018
By default, this is how your badge looks like.

Let's get started

Luckily, you don't need any soldering skills for the first steps. Just connect the USB mini port to the bottom left connector on the badge, connect the other part of the USB cable to your computer, and within some seconds you will be able to see that the lights on your badge are blinking. So far so good. 

Now, depending on which OS you use, you should choose your destiny here.


The best source of information about a new device being connected is
# dmesg

The tail of the output should look like
[267300.206966] usb 2-2.2: new full-speed USB device number 14 using uhci_hcd
[267300.326484] usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=6001
[267300.326486] usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[267300.326487] usb 2-2.2: Product: FT232R USB UART
[267300.326488] usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: FTDI
[267300.326489] usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: AC01U4XN
[267300.558684] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
[267300.558692] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic
[267300.639673] usbcore: registered new interface driver ftdi_sio
[267300.639684] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device
[267300.639713] ftdi_sio 2-2.2:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
[267300.639741] usb 2-2.2: Detected FT232RL
[267300.643235] usb 2-2.2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Dmesg is pretty kind to us, as it even notifies us that the device is now attached to ttyUSB0. 

From now on, connecting to the device is exactly the same as it is in the macOS section, so please find the "Linux users, read it from here" section below. 


There are multiple commands you can type into Terminal to get an idea about what you are looking at. One command is:
# ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l

With this command, you should get output similar to this:

+-o FT232R USB UART@14100000  <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x100005465, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (712 ms), retain 20>
    |   {
    |     "sessionID" = 71217335583342
    |     "iManufacturer" = 1
    |     "bNumConfigurations" = 1
    |     "idProduct" = 24577
    |     "bcdDevice" = 1536
    |     "Bus Power Available" = 250
    |     "USB Address" = 2
    |     "bMaxPacketSize0" = 8
    |     "iProduct" = 2
    |     "iSerialNumber" = 3
    |     "bDeviceClass" = 0
    |     "Built-In" = No
    |     "locationID" = 336592896
    |     "bDeviceSubClass" = 0
    |     "bcdUSB" = 512
    |     "USB Product Name" = "FT232R USB UART"
    |     "PortNum" = 1
    |     "non-removable" = "no"
    |     "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"}
    |     "bDeviceProtocol" = 0
    |     "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2"
    |     "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=3,"CapabilityFlags"=65536,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=3}
    |     "kUSBCurrentConfiguration" = 1
    |     "Device Speed" = 1
    |     "USB Vendor Name" = "FTDI"
    |     "idVendor" = 1027
    |     "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
    |     "USB Serial Number" = "AC01U4XN"
    |     "IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBDevice"
    |   } 
The most important information you get is the USB serial number - AC01U4XN in my case.
Another way to get this information is
# system_profiler SPUSBDataType

which will give back something similar to:

          Product ID: 0x6001
          Vendor ID: 0x0403  (Future Technology Devices International Limited)
          Version: 6.00
          Serial Number: AC01U4XN
          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
          Manufacturer: FTDI
          Location ID: 0x14100000 / 2
          Current Available (mA): 500
          Current Required (mA): 90
          Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

The serial number you got is the same.

What you are trying to achieve here is to connect to the device, but in order to connect to it, you have to know where the device in the /dev folder is mapped to. A quick and dirty solution is to list all devices under /dev when the device is disconnected, once when it is connected, and diff the outputs. For example, the following should do the job:

ls -lha /dev/tty* > plugged.txt
ls -lha /dev/tty* > np.txt
vimdiff plugged.txt np.txt

The result should be obvious, /dev/tty.usbserial-AC01U4XN is the new device in case macOS. In the case of Linux, it was /dev/ttyUSB0.

Linux users, read it from here. macOS users, please continue reading

Now you can use either the built-in screen command or minicom to get data out from the badge. Usually, you need three information in order to communicate with a badge. Path on /dev (you already got that), speed in baud, and the async config parameters. Either you can guess the speed or you can Google that for the specific device. Standard baud rates include 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000 and 256000 bits per second. I usually found 1200, 9600 and 115200 a common choice, but that is just me.
Regarding the async config parameters, the default is that 8 bits are used, there is no parity bit, and 1 stop bit is used. The short abbreviation for this is 8n1. In the next example, you will use the screen command. By default, it uses 8n1, but it is called cs8 to confuse the beginners.

If you type:
# screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AC01U4XN 9600
# screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
and wait for minutes and nothing happens, it is because the badge already tried to communicate via the USB port, but no-one was listening there. Disconnect the badge from the computer, connect again, and type the screen command above to connect. If you are quick enough you can see that the amber LED will stop blinking and your screen command is greeted with some interesting information. By quick enough I mean ˜90 seconds, as it takes the device 1.5 minutes to boot the OS and the CTF app.


When you connect the device to Windows, you will be greeted with a pop-up.

Just click on the popup and you will see the COM port number the device is connected to:

In this case, it is connected to COM3. So let's fire up our favorite putty.exe, select Serial, choose COM3, add speed 9600, and you are ready to go!

You might check the end of the macOS section in case you can't see anything. Timing is everything.


Welcome to the Hacktivity 2018 badge challenge!

This challenge consists of several tasks with one or more levels of
difficulty. They are all connected in some way or another to HW RE
and there's no competition, the whole purpose is to learn things.

Note: we recommend turning on local echo in your terminal!
Also, feel free to ask for hints at the Hackcenter!

Choose your destiny below:

1. Visual HW debugging
2. Reverse engineering
3. RF hacking
4. Crypto protection

Enter the number of the challenge you're interested in and press [
Excellent, now you are ready to hack this! In case you are lost in controlling the screen command, go to

I will not spoil any fun in giving out the challenge solutions here. It is still your task to find solutions for these.

But here is a catch. You can get a root shell on the device. And it is pretty straightforward. Just carefully remove the Omega shield from the badge. Now you see two jumpers; by default, these are connected together as UART1. As seen below.

But what happens if you move these jumpers to UART0? Guess what, you can get a root shell! This is what I call privilege escalation on the HW level :) But first, let's connect the Omega shield back. Also, for added fun, this new interface speaks on 115200 baud, so you should change your screen parameters to 115200. Also, the new interface has a different ID under /dev, but I am sure you can figure this out from now on.

If you connect to the device during boot time, you can see a lot of exciting debug information about the device. And after it boots, you just get a root prompt. Woohoo! 
But what can you do with this root access? Well, for starters, how about running 
# strings hello | less

From now on, you are on your own to hack this badge. Happy hacking.
Big thanks to Attila Marosi-Bauer and Hackerspace Budapest for developing this badge and the contests.

PS: In case you want to use the radio functionality of the badge, see below how you should solder the parts to it. By default, you can process slow speed radio frequency signals on GPIO19. But for higher transfer speeds, you should wire the RF module DATA OUT pin with the RX1 free together.

Read more

Parrot Security OS 4.7 Released With New Linux Kernel, Menu Structure, Tools Improvements And Many Changes

In Sep 18 2019, Parrot Security OS 4.7 has released, with many new following changes below.

Latest Linux 5.2.x series
   The new ISO files of Parrot 4.7 are being released only now, but we were the first Debian derivative distribution to introduce Linux 5.1 and 5.2 to all our users, and now ParrotSec team is ready to offer it also with our ISO files rebild cycle to support more devices and integrate all the latest linux features from the beginning.

New sandbox behavior (opt-in rather than opt-out)
   Sandboxing is a great thing, and ParrotSec team was in the first line when they introduced our custom Firejail and AppArmor solution for the first time many years ago. We still want to improve such feature and ParrotSec team has a whole team dedicated to improve sandboxing and hardening of the Parrot Security OS system, but ParrotSec team had to face the many users with issues caused by the restrictions of our sandbox.

   In Parrot Security OS 4.7 the sandbox is disabled by default, and users can decide wether to start an application sandboxed or not. You can easily start the sandboxed version of an installed program from the /sandbox/ folder or from a dedicated menu that ParrotSec team plans to improve in the future (meanwhile the search feature of the bottom menu will fit all your needs), or you can re-enable it by default by using the firecfg tool.

New menu structure and tools improvements
   The pentesting menu structure was refactored and re-designed to make tools easier to access in a more logical hierarchical structure. New tools were also added to the project, and ParrotSec team plans to add even more in the future. Not all of them are going to be pre-installed, but a good set of tools in our repository enables pentesters to build up the perfect pentest system for their specific needs, regardless the default package selection picked by ParrotSec team.

Domain changes
   To reflect the neutrality of a distro that started as a pentest-only system and became more general purpose later with Parro Home, the community voted through a democratic process to switch to as the new default domain of the project.

   ParrotSec team will still use for other things (included the old email addresses), and they introduced other project domains to handle specific parts of the infrastructure.

Repository changes
   ParrotSec team is preparing to integrate a future LTS branch, so they decided to rename the current repository from stable to rolling. Nothing changes for the end user, and the current Parrot Security OS branch will continue to behave the same as before, but now with a different name to better reflect the rolling release nature of the system, waiting for the LTS edition to join the Parrot Security OS family along side the rolling branch in a similar way OpenSUSE does.

New MATE 1.22 release: Parrot Security OS 4.7 ships with the latest MATE 1.22 desktop environment.

Miscellaneous: New Firefox Browser 69, the latest Radare2 and cutter versions and many other important upgrades are all aboard as expected in a properly developed rolling release distro.

How to upgrade to the lastest Parrot Security OS version
   You can update your existing Parrot Security OS system with this command:
sudo parrot-upgrade

   Or use the raw apt command
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

   Don't forget to use this command regularly (at least once a week) to receive the latest security updates and bugfixes from the Parrot Security OS repository.

   Or you can download the latest release from official download page.

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

OWASP Web 2.0 Project Update

Some of you likely recall the talk back in 2016 or so of updating the OWASP Foundation website to not appear so much like a...well, a wiki.  That talk was carried forward into 2017 and 2018 and, with each year, the proposal got pushed ahead as there were other, deeper projects to tackle.  With the arrival of 2019 and a firm project plan under the guidance of Mike McCamon, Executive Director, we are finally moving toward a functioning, modern website that will be a whole lot  The journey has been circuitous and, while we are not anywhere near complete, we have a set plan in place to bring it to fruition within the calendar year (second quarter of the year, actually).

TLDR: How Can You Help? 

There are certainly ways in which you can get involved now.  For instance, we are looking for a clean way to get wiki pages into GitHub markdown format for archival.  I have done some work here but there are parsing issues with some of the tools.  Do you know a good tool or have you done similar work?  Also, are you or do you know a good designer, someone familiar with GitHub pages that can provide some useful help and feedback along the way?  A Jekyll expert to help code a theme with a handful of templates would be a great addition.  In addition, we could use website server admins who could help with assigning redirects to maintain search integrity.  Finally, there will be a great many pages to move that we will also eventually need community involvement in.  

So, What Have We Done? 

Thus far we have researched various ideas for standing up a new site, including modifying the current wiki, spinning up our own web server, contracting a third party to host and build a new site, and also using existing infrastructure with our own content to launch a new face for OWASP.  Our discussions led us to a familiar place, one that nearly every developer in the OWASP space is familiar with: GitHub.   

In our conversations with GitHub, it became readily apparent that using the platform would be a win for the Foundation as well as GitHub.  Nearly everyone who runs a project at OWASP (documentation or otherwise) uses GitHub.  Because our target audience is also mostly developers we know that they are also very comfortable with the platform.  And while GitHub has a number of high profile companies using their GitHub Pages, the use of the platform as the basis for the entire website of the number one non-profit foundation in the application security sector is a big draw.

We have run with that GitHub Pages idea and have spent internal manpower on a proof of concept.  This proof of concept is less about the UX of the site than the functionality, the ability to utilize the authentication systems, and the ability to utilize automation to push out changes quickly.

Where Are We Now?

We are doing the final stages of website architecture. We are also planning what needs to be in the site, how the pieces will integrate with current projects and chapters, and how we might utilize the community to integrate the pieces so that we have a visually and functionally cohesive website that spans across multiple repositories.

What Is Next?

We will soon be looking for a modern website design that is responsive and clean.  We will begin using the knowledge gained from our proof of concept to build out the internals of the website and then we will start implementing the highest traffic pages and administrative areas into the new platform.  Once we have the big-ticket items moved we will start looking at what is left and moving over those pieces.  The eventual goal would be to have a new, modern website for the future of OWASP while keeping the wiki as an archive of really useful information.

We hope you are as excited as we are about the future of the OWASP Foundation website and will join us as we move toward a modern web presence.  If you have any questions or would like to volunteer your time, experience or knowledge, please contact me at

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Trendnet Cameras - I Always Feel Like Somebody'S Watching Me.

Firstly this post requires the following song to be playing.

Now that we got that out of the way... I have been seeing posts on sites with people having fun with embedded systems/devices and I was feeling left out. I didn't really want to go out and buy a device so I looked at what was laying around. 

To start off the latest firmware for this device can be found at the following location :

First order of business was to update the camera with the most recent firmware:
Device info page confirming firmware version
Now that the device was using the same version of firmware as I was going to dive into, lets get to work. I will be using binwalk to fingerprint file headers that exist inside the firmware file. Binwalk can be downloaded from the following url:

Running binwalk against the firmware file 
binwalk FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck 
32320     0x7E40     gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 24 22:59:08 2011, max compression
679136     0xA5CE0   gzip compressed data, was "rootfs", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 24 22:59:09 2011, max compression
Looks like there are two gzip files in the "pck" file. Lets carve them out using 'dd'. First cut the head off the file and save it off as '1_unk'
#dd if=FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck of=1_unk bs=1 count=32320
32320+0 records in
32320+0 records out
32320 bytes (32 kB) copied, 0.167867 s, 193 kB/s
Next cut out the first gzip file that was identified, we will call this file '2'
#dd if=FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck of=2 bs=1 skip=32320 count=646816
646816+0 records in
646816+0 records out
646816 bytes (647 kB) copied, 2.87656 s, 225 kB/s
Finally cut the last part of the file out that was identified as being a gzip file, call this file '3'
#dd if=FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck of=3 bs=1 skip=679136
2008256+0 records in
2008256+0 records out
2008256 bytes (2.0 MB) copied, 8.84203 s, 227 kB/s
For this post I am going to ignore files '1_unk' and '2' and just concentrate on file '3' as it contains an interesting bug :) Make a copy of the file '3' and extract it using gunzip
#file 3
3: gzip compressed data, was "rootfs", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 24 22:59:09 2011, max compression
#cp 3 3z.gz
#gunzip 3z.gz
gzip: 3z.gz: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored
#file 3z
3z: Minix filesystem, 30 char names
As we can see the file '3' was a compressed Minix file system. Lets mount it and take a look around.
#mkdir cameraFS
#sudo mount -o loop -t minix 3z cameraFS/
#cd cameraFS/
bin  dev  etc  lib  linuxrc  mnt  proc  sbin  server  tmp  usr  var
There is all sorts of interesting stuff in the "/server" directory but we are going to zero in on a specific directory "/server/cgi-bin/anony/"
#cd server/cgi-bin/anony/
jpgview.htm  mjpeg.cgi  mjpg.cgi  view2.cgi
The "cgi-bin" directory is mapped to the root directory of http server of the camera, knowing this we can make a request to and surprisingly we get a live stream from the camera. 

video stream. giving no fucks.

Now at first I am thinking, well the directory is named "anony" that means anonymous so this must be something that is enabled in the settings that we can disable.... Looking at the configuration screen you can see where users can be configured to access the camera. The following screen shows the users I have configured (user, guest)
Users configured with passwords.

Still after setting up users with passwords the camera is more than happy to let me view its video stream by making our previous request. There does not appear to be a way to disable access to the video stream, I can't really believe this is something that is intended by the manufacturer. Lets see who is out there :)

Because the web server requires authentication to access it (normally) we can use this information to fingerprint the camera easily. We can use the realm of 'netcam' to conduct our searches 
HTTP Auth with 'netcam' realm
Hopping on over to Shodan ( we can search for 'netcam' and see if there is anyone out there for us to watch
9,500 results
If we check a few we can see this is limited to only those results with the realm of 'netcam' and not 'Netcam'
creepy hole in the wall

front doors to some business
Doing this manually is boring and tedious, wouldn't it be great if we could automagically walk through all 9,500 results and log the 'good' hosts....

This python script requires the shodan api libs and an API key. It will crawl the shodan results and check if the device is vulnerable and log it. The only caveat here is that the shodan file needs to be edited to allow for including result page offsets. I have highlighted the required changes below.
    def search(self, query,page=1):
        """Search the SHODAN database.
        query    -- search query; identical syntax to the website
        page     -- page number of results      

        A dictionary with 3 main items: matches, countries and total.
        Visit the website for more detailed information.
        return self._request('search', {'q': query,'page':page})

Last I ran this there was something like 350 vulnerable devices that were available via shodan. Enjoy.

Update: We are in no way associated with the @TRENDnetExposed twitter account.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Networking | Routing And Switching | Tutorial 2 | 2018

Welcome to my 2nd tutorial of the series of networking. In this video I've briefly described peer to peer network (P2P). Moreover, you'll see how to make a peer to peer network? How it's working? How we can intercept traffic over the network by using Wireshark? and many more. Wireshark tool is integrated with eNSP so it'll be installed automatically when you install the eNSP. On the other hand, you can install the Wireshark for your personal use from its website.

What is Peer to Peer (P2P) network? 

As when devices are connected with each other for the sake of communication that'll be known as a Network. Now what is peer to peer network? In P2P network each and every device is behaving like a server and a client as well. Moreover They are directly connected with each other in such a way that they can send and received data to other devices at the same time and there is no need of any central server in between them.

There is a question that mostly comes up into our minds that  Is it possible to capture data from the network? So the answer is yes. We can easily captured data from the network with the help of tools that have been created for network troubleshooting, so whenever there will be some issues happening to the network so we fixed that issues with the help of tools. Most usable tool for data capturing that every network analyst used named Wireshark but there are so many other tools available over the internet like SmartSniff, Ethereal, Colasoft Capsa Network Analyze, URL Helper, SoftX HTTP Debugger and many more.

What is Wireshark?

Wireshark is an open source network analyzer or sniffer used to capture packets from the network and tries to display the brief information about the packets. It is also used for software and communication protocol development. Moreover, Wireshark is the best tool to intercept the traffic over the network.